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ASUMH Workforce and Community Education


Creating Influence Through Your Communication Style


with Kim Worlow

Calendar Oct 3, 2024 at 8:30 am

Successful leaders focus less (if at all) on what to say in order to get people to take action. Instead, effective leaders focus on how they can "be" in order to embody a message that inspires others to accomplish a task, create a powerful team or relationship, and/or join forces to complete a mission. Delivering an inspiring message requires a leader to be fully engaged at the highest possible level with his/her role, task, and .. message in order to connect successfully with those around him/her. By operating at a highly anabolic level, a leader taps his/her/highest levels of energy in order to attract and create opportunities. Your current energy level is felt by everyone all of the time. Some energy levels attract and some repel different people. Conversations take place at all levels of energy. Each sentence and each word, depending upon how it is said, as well as everything that is not said out loud, will impact the leader's ability to engage his/her audience.


  • Learn skills/abilities to become a more conscious leader
    • Does your message impact temporarily or permanently?
    • Do you inspire people to take action or cause them to deflate and retreat?
  • Identify the energy blocks that hold you back from being the leader you want to be.
  • Identify 5 different perspectives that laders use to communicate and what they produce.
  • Construct your ideal image of an Influential Communicator

Lunch will be provided.


Demystifying AI


with Steven LeBlanc

Calendar Oct 8, 2024 at 6:30 pm

Demystifying AI: Harness the Power, Understand the Risks

With Steve LeBlanc October 8th, 2024 Tuesday, 6:30pm-8:30pm

Navigate the AI Revolution with Confidence

The AI revolution is here, and it's transforming our world at breakneck speed. From ChatGPT to Stable Diffusion, these powerful tools are no longer confined to sci-fi novels and academic labs -- they're at your fingertips. But with great power comes great responsibility... and a lot of questions.

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the rapid advancements in AI? Curious about its potential but concerned about the risks? You're not alone. This class is your compass in the exciting, sometimes daunting, world of Artificial Intelligence.

What You'll Gain:

  1. AI Decoded: Understand different types of AI and how they work
  2. Prompt Engineering: Learn to craft precise queries to get the best results from AI tools.
  3. Beyond ChatGPT: Discover powerful alternatives and when to use them
  4. Error Management: Develop strategies to catch the 5-10% of AI errors
  5. Accelerated Learning: Use AI to quickly grasp complex topics like gravity, Functional Medicine and DNA
  6. Elevate Your Writing: Enhance your prose and proposals with AI assistance
  7. AI Life Coach: Leverage AI for advice on tough decisions and life skills
  8. Stay Ahead: Get a curated list of top AI podcasts to keep you informed

Who Is This For?

  • Professionals looking to integrate AI into their workflow
  • Students aiming to enhance their learning and research capabilities
  • Writers and content creators seeking to amplify their output
  • Decision-makers wanting to leverage AI for better choices
  • Anyone curious about AI and its real-world applications

Your Guide: Steve - The AI Enthusiast Next Door

Steve isn't a coding wizard or an AI systems architect. He's something even more valuable -- a dedicated researcher and enthusiastic learner just like you. His passion for understanding and applying AI, especially large language models like ChatGPT, makes him the perfect guide for fellow explorers in this new digital frontier.

Intro to Transformational Psychologies


with Steven LeBlanc

Calendar Oct 15, 2024 at 6:30 pm

Intro to Transformational Psychologies

With Steve LeBlanc October 15th, 2024 Tuesday, 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Discover the Power to Transform Your Life

Imagine breaking free from lifelong fears, processing deep-seated grief, and moving fully through shame. Picture yourself equipped with tools to shatter harmful patterns and embrace emotional freedom. Welcome to the world of Transformational Psychologies -- where profound change isn't just possible, it's expected. There will be live demonstrations.

Why This Class?

In a world of traditional therapies, Transformational Psychologies stand out. And why have you never heard of them? Because they are rarely taught in colleges. These evidence-based approaches offer rapid, profound changes, particularly effective for PTSD and other challenging conditions. Dive into groundbreaking methods like:

  • Somatic Experiencing (SE)
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
  • Internal Family Systems (IFS or "Parts work")
  • Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)

Your Transformation Begins Here:

  1. Mind-Body Somatics: Uncover the hidden connections between your psyche and physical sensations.
  2. Self-Therapy Toolkit: Learn powerful techniques for personal growth and when to seek professional help.
  3. Healing Fundamentals: Grasp key concepts like Memory Reconsolidation that drive lasting change.
  4. Therapy Navigator: Develop skills to choose the right therapist and approach for your needs.
  5. Energy Psychology: Explore how your body's energy systems can influence and guide healing.
  6. Holistic Health: Understand the crucial roles of diet, supplements, and lifestyle in mental wellbeing.
  7. Emotional Freedom: Learn to overcome the barriers of pride and shame that keep you from healing.

Who Should Attend?

  • Mental health professionals seeking cutting-edge techniques
  • Individuals on a personal growth journey
  • Anyone wanting to better support loved ones through emotional challenges
  • Those struggling with PTSD, phobias, DID, trauma, grief, or anxiety

Meet Your Guide: Steve LeBlanc

With over 30 years in holistic trauma healing, Steve isn't just an instructor -- he's an accomplished practitioner. His unique blend of advanced therapeutic techniques and real-world experience makes this class an unparalleled opportunity to revolutionize your understanding of emotional health.

Popup Classes & The Virtual Water Cooler


with Steven LeBlanc

Calendar Oct 22, 2024 at 6:30 pm

Popup Classes & The Virtual Watercooler: Ignite Your Ideas in Real-Time

With Steve LeBlanc October 22nd, 2024 Tuesday, 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Q: Are you sitting on a goldmine of knowledge, waiting for the right audience?

Imagine a space where your ideas come alive, where discussions flow freely, and where innovation thrives. Welcome to the world of Popup Classes and The Virtual Watercooler!

Why This Class?

In today's digital age, we're drowning in information but starving for real connection. Forums and social media groups offer a platform, but they lack the spark of real-time interaction. Video comments are great, but they miss the magic of live Q&A. That's where we come in.

What You'll Gain:

  1. Amplify Your Ideas: Get instant feedback on projects and business ideas.
  2. Master Virtual Collaboration: Co-create a system for dynamic popup meetings.
  3. Launch Your Own Class: Turn your expertise into engaging online sessions or teach live through ASUMH.
  4. Join a Meta-Mastermind: Be part of a group that's reinventing how masterminds work.
  5. Boost Your Productivity: Explore ADHD-friendly systems and computer automation hacks.
  6. Feel Better: Dive into holistic healing and transformational psychology.
  7. Build Your Network: Connect with fellow creatives, innovators and potential collaborators.
  8. Do Public Speaking: Discuss the prospects of a Mountain Home Speakers Bureau

Who Is This For?

  • Aspiring teachers and speakers
  • Entrepreneurs with budding startup ideas
  • Productivity enthusiasts
  • Tech-savvy individuals interested in automation
  • Anyone passionate about personal growth and alternative healing

What Sets Us Apart?

  • Real-Time Interaction: No more waiting for replies. Get instant engagement.
  • Diverse Topics: From ADHD productivity hacks to holistic healing techniques.
  • Supportive Community: A space where creative minds unite to elevate each other.

Are You Ready to Dive In?

If you're nodding along, feeling a spark of excitement, then you're in the right place. This isn't just a class; it's a launchpad for your ideas, a sandbox for innovation, and a community of forward-thinkers.

Join us, and let's create something extraordinary together!

Work Ethic, Integrity and Customer Service


with Tamatha Dudley

Calendar Nov 7, 2024 at 4:30 pm, runs for 2 weeks

Employers want employees with strong work ethics. Employers want employees who have a personality that chooses good conduct, habits, and values that help the employers do what they are in business to do. Work Matters, Work Ethic Matters. Integrity is foundational to the workplace. Honest communication is necessary for production and service delivery. Good decision-making relies on accuracy. Dishonesty harms everyone. Our reputations are the only things that really matter. Without a good reputation, we won’t have opportunities. Integrity reflects our reputation. Eventually, the culture rots. When the company suffers, jobs are lost. The idea of providing service to others might seem like it belongs to a job called Customer Service. The truth is that every interaction we have with others while we are at work is giving customer service. The assistance and advice we provide others is constant. The person to whom we offer these things are the customers. The greater the culture of helping one another, the greater the chance the company will be successful. Students will reflect on their present skill level via self-assessment for each of the 3 components (work ethic, integrity, and customer service) before learning. Students will learn constructs of work ethic, integrity, and customer service Students will set goal(s) for improvement of skills.

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